Posts Tagged ‘ chronic sinusitis ’

What is a Concha Bullosa?

There are many reasons people suffer from nasal obstruction.  Some are due to membrane issues, such as allergies or any other process that makes the lining of the nose more swollen.  Other reasons are more anatomical in nature.  Perhaps the most common cause in this category is a deviated septum.  The inferior turbinates are the […]

What is Post-Nasal Dripping?

Postnasal dripping most correctly refers to a sensation of mucus flowing from the back of the nasal passages into the pharynx (throat). This could be mucus or pus from a sinus infection. There are many reasons and treatments for a sensation of postnasal dripping. Perhaps the most obvious reason for a sensation of postnasal dripping […]

What are the nasal sinuses?

Our nasal sinuses are air-filled pockets of air that surround the nasal passages. We have four sets of sinuses. The ethmoid sinuses are made up of approximately 15 smaller pockets, and they are situated to the center of each eyeball. The maxillary sinuses are the largest ones, and are situated below the eyes, behind the […]

What is a sinus headache?

Simply put, there is no such thing as sinus headaches. There are sinus conditions that can be accompanied by headaches, and there are headache conditions that can give you sinus issues as well, but there is no isolated sinus headache. Sinus conditions could be infectious, inflammatory, or pressure related. Typically, most sinus conditions should give […]

What is a Concha Bullosa?

Before, we dig into what a concha bullosa is; let’s talk about normal anatomy of the nasal passages. When looking into the nasal passages, the structure and the midline is called septum. This typically should be more or less a straight bony and cartilaginous structure that is covered by membrane. On the side wall of […]

How do you treat nasal polyps?

Nasal polyps are extra fleshy growths inside the nasal passages. They usually arise as a result of allergic reactions or other sensitivities within the nasal passages. Typically, the nasal membranes swell up, and at some point they form extra fleshy component which are called polyps. They are usually are anchored within the nasal passages or […]

What exactly is a Balloon Sinuplasty?

Video of Ballon Sinuplasty Schematic Many patients have questions about the new method of dealing with chronic sinus procedure involving balloon sinuplasty. This method has been around for the past few years, and is designed to provide relief from chronic sinus issues for patient without the need for more traditional ways of endoscopic sinus surgery. In […]

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