Posts Tagged ‘ ny ’

What can I do about my runny nose?

Some of the more common reasons for clear rhinorrhea are allergic rhinitis, non-allergic rhinitis, vasomotor rhinitis, and CSF (cerebrospinal fluid) leak.  A visit with your primary doctor or your ENT specialist can help you differentiate between these causes and choose the right treatment.   The most basic way to help with a runny nose is […]

When Should You Get Your Hearing Tested?

Photo by Alexraths from Deposit Photos This is a guest blog by Anna Davis Hearing is a precious sense that connects us to the world, allowing us to communicate, enjoy music, and stay alert to our surroundings. Yet, it’s easy to take this critical ability for granted, not noticing the subtle changes that might signal a decline in […]

How You Can Easily Combat Sinus Issues

Sinus issues can be a challenging health condition that affects many people. These problems often result in symptoms like headaches, congestion, runny nose, and facial pain. If not properly addressed, sinus issues can lead to complications and significantly affect your quality of life. This article will provide some helpful insights on what to do when […]

Should I have a tonsillectomy?

Tonsillectomy is one of the oldest surgeries documented. Before the advent of modern surgery and anesthesia, it used to be done by ENT doctors performing the surgeries during a home visit. My late uncle, who used to be a big burly guy in his youth, told me stories of him having a summer job as […]

Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV)

First let’s talk about nomenclature. Vertigo technically refers to a symptom, not a disease. Strictly, vertigo means the sensation of the room spinning around you. This could have many different reasons. Sometimes, if we are not able to readily diagnose the source of the symptoms of vertigo, we might use vertigo as a diagnosis, but […]

What is a Fungal Sinusitis?

The paranasal sinuses are air-filled pockets that directly communicate to our nasal passages.  We have 4 pairs of these sinuses.  During normal function air and mucus can freely travel in and out of the sinuses.  However, during a sinus infection the narrow passages can get blocked, therefore trapping mucus and air pressure within the sinuses.  The secretions can then […]

A few notes on Acute Bronchitis

As we head into the winter season, more people will be affected with acute bronchitis and pneumonia. I was fortunate to be featured in this article discussing the salient features of each. Please follow this link to learn more.

How to tell a good story

Every doctor’s visit has a specific structure that we try to follow in order to get the most information in the most efficient way.  Generally, the visit starts with what is called the Chief Complaint, which is the main reason you are seeing the doctor.  Following that, we investigate History of Present Illness (HPI).  This is the section […]

Protect your ears… from the sun!

As we embark on another great summer of fun in the sun, most of us are probably aware of the effects of sun on our skin. Many of us do a decent job of protection from the hot sun by using adequate sunscreen. We apply it to our faces, necks, shoulders, and our backs. It’s […]

Latest Blog Posts

What can I do about my runny nose?

Some of the more common reasons for clear rhinorrhea are allergic rhinitis, non-allergic rhinitis, vasomotor rhinitis, and CSF ...... »

When Should You Get Your Hearing Tested?

Photo by Alexraths from Deposit Photos This is a guest blog by Anna Davis Hearing is a precious sense that connects ...... »

How You Can Easily Combat Sinus Issues

Sinus issues can be a challenging health condition that affects many people. These problems often result in symptoms ...... »

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