Posts Tagged ‘ sinusitis ’

How You Can Easily Combat Sinus Issues

Sinus issues can be a challenging health condition that affects many people. These problems often result in symptoms like headaches, congestion, runny nose, and facial pain. If not properly addressed, sinus issues can lead to complications and significantly affect your quality of life. This article will provide some helpful insights on what to do when […]

What is a Fungal Sinusitis?

The paranasal sinuses are air-filled pockets that directly communicate to our nasal passages.  We have 4 pairs of these sinuses.  During normal function air and mucus can freely travel in and out of the sinuses.  However, during a sinus infection the narrow passages can get blocked, therefore trapping mucus and air pressure within the sinuses.  The secretions can then […]

What are nasal polyps?

Polyp generally refers to an extra outgrowth of fleshy material from one of the membranes of our body. They occur sometimes in the nasal passages as well as the colon and other internal organs. The polyps in the nasal passages are quite different in the nature than in other locations. Most cases of nasal polyps […]

What is a Concha Bullosa?

There are many reasons people suffer from nasal obstruction.  Some are due to membrane issues, such as allergies or any other process that makes the lining of the nose more swollen.  Other reasons are more anatomical in nature.  Perhaps the most common cause in this category is a deviated septum.  The inferior turbinates are the […]

Why is my nose stuffy even though I am using decongestants?

Your nose is congested because you are using decongestants. The nasal membranes have various different mechanisms for regulating the degree of congestion. Typically, one side of the nose becomes decongested and open in order to allow for maximum breathing, as the other side becomes congested in order to allow for normal maintenance functions of the […]

What is Post-Nasal Dripping?

Postnasal dripping most correctly refers to a sensation of mucus flowing from the back of the nasal passages into the pharynx (throat). This could be mucus or pus from a sinus infection. There are many reasons and treatments for a sensation of postnasal dripping. Perhaps the most obvious reason for a sensation of postnasal dripping […]

Migraines can be a real headache!

The diagnosis and treatment of migraines has been one of a significant challenge for many medical specialist. Not all headaches are migraines, and not all migraines manifests as headaches. There are some specific guidelines about the number of features that need to be present in order to make the correct diagnosis of migraine disease. These […]

Why does a deviated septum actually cause obstruction in BOTH sides?

Briefly, the nasal passages are in charge of delivering air from the tip of the nose to the back of the throat and then into the lungs. Typically, the air passes through each nostril into the nasal cavity and then into the throat. Various conditions can limit the amount of airflow through the nasal passages […]

What are the nasal sinuses?

Our nasal sinuses are air-filled pockets of air that surround the nasal passages. We have four sets of sinuses. The ethmoid sinuses are made up of approximately 15 smaller pockets, and they are situated to the center of each eyeball. The maxillary sinuses are the largest ones, and are situated below the eyes, behind the […]

What is a sinus headache?

Simply put, there is no such thing as sinus headaches. There are sinus conditions that can be accompanied by headaches, and there are headache conditions that can give you sinus issues as well, but there is no isolated sinus headache. Sinus conditions could be infectious, inflammatory, or pressure related. Typically, most sinus conditions should give […]

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How You Can Easily Combat Sinus Issues

Sinus issues can be a challenging health condition that affects many people. These problems often result in symptoms ...... »

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