The outer portion of the nasal structure consists of a bony pyramid-type projection in the upper part, and cartilaginous projection in the lower part including the tip. The lower half of the nose is therefore more flexible and can sustain minor blows without any significant deformity. The upper portion of the nose, consistent of the […]
Before, we dig into what a concha bullosa is; let’s talk about normal anatomy of the nasal passages. When looking into the nasal passages, the structure and the midline is called septum. This typically should be more or less a straight bony and cartilaginous structure that is covered by membrane. On the side wall of […]
The inferior turbinates are structures located on the sidewall of the nasal passages. We have three sets of them: the superior, the middle, and the inferior turbinates. The largest one of them all is the inferior turbinate, which is critical in the overall function of the nose. It is also the one that may pose […]