Photo by Alexraths from Deposit Photos This is a guest blog by Anna Davis Hearing is a precious sense that connects us to the world, allowing us to communicate, enjoy music, and stay alert to our surroundings. Yet, it’s easy to take this critical ability for granted, not noticing the subtle changes that might signal a decline in […]
Tinnitus is a condition of a perception of sound, ringing, or any other audiologic sensation in the ear without something in environment actually making that noise. Therefore, it is thought of as “inner noise” that could be quite bothersome to many patients. Tinnitus could be perceived in one side or both sides, or rarely from […]
“I hear just fine!” That is what a lot of times we hear from patients who were politely asked (i.e. forced) by family members to come and get their hearing checked. Most of us might not necessarily be aware of decreased hearing acuity ourselves, but our loved ones can often point out difficulties in communication […]
Guest blogger: Peter Fan, AuD For many people, hearing loss is a natural part of the aging process, and the onset is so gradual they aren’t aware their hearing is deteriorating. Hearing loss can also be caused by genetic and/or medical conditions, ear infections, illness, traumatic injury or prolonged exposure to noise. Hearing loss is […]
Our ears have a very delicate anatomy. Generally, the ear is divided into three segments. The outer ear is made from the ear lobe and the ear canal all the way down to the eardrum. The function of the eardrum is to collect the sound and change it into vibrations that later transmit into the […]
The diagnosis and treatment of migraines has been one of a significant challenge for many medical specialist. Not all headaches are migraines, and not all migraines manifests as headaches. There are some specific guidelines about the number of features that need to be present in order to make the correct diagnosis of migraine disease. These […]
Ear wax (cerumen) is usually made in the middle portion of the ear canal. With typical skin growth pattern of the ear canal, it is slowly delivered to the outside. There are many theories about the reasons why ear wax is made to begin with, but none of them have been proven to be scientific. […]