Posts Tagged ‘ rhinitis ’

What are the medications for allergic rhinitis?

Allergic rhinitis refers to the nasal manifestation of our allergies. For some people, their allergies are seasonal, and for some their allergies are year around. There are several modalities that go into diagnosis and management of allergy disease. Some of these have to do with avoidance of allergens. Additionally, allergy shots, nasal irrigation, and even […]

Why does my nose run all the time if my doctor said I have no allergies?

Our nasal passages may quite a bit of mucus on a daily basis, which typically helps moisturize the nose, facilitate with sinus drainage, as well as air-condition the air as we breathe it.  Typically, this mucus is slowly delivered to the back at nose, and we end up swallowing it without really paying much attention […]

What is a “Winter Nose”?

Our nasal passages are the first point in our respiratory system. All the oxygen that we need for daily consumption goes through the nasal passages, and in return the carbon dioxide is exhaled back. If you do the math, that means a lot of airflow on a constant basis. In addition to just being a […]

Why is my nose stuffy even though I am using decongestants?

Your nose is congested because you are using decongestants. The nasal membranes have various different mechanisms for regulating the degree of congestion. Typically, one side of the nose becomes decongested and open in order to allow for maximum breathing, as the other side becomes congested in order to allow for normal maintenance functions of the […]

What is a sinus headache?

Simply put, there is no such thing as sinus headaches. There are sinus conditions that can be accompanied by headaches, and there are headache conditions that can give you sinus issues as well, but there is no isolated sinus headache. Sinus conditions could be infectious, inflammatory, or pressure related. Typically, most sinus conditions should give […]

Go Get a Humidifier!

With the coming winter months, the colder weather as well as dry heating elements in our houses and apartments cause a great deal of dryness. The victim in this is usually our nasal passages, who have the task of humidifying the air before we breathe it all the way into our lungs. Our nasal passages […]

What is Rhinitis Medicamentosa? What does this have to do with Afrin?

Many patients have various degrees of nasal obstruction. This could be due to fixed anatomical problems such as a deviation of nasal septum. Alternatively, a cold or a sinus infection can give you problems with the nasal passages resulting in obstruction. More chronically, signs of allergies or any polyp formation can also block up nasal […]

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When Should You Get Your Hearing Tested?

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How You Can Easily Combat Sinus Issues

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Should I have a tonsillectomy?

Tonsillectomy is one of the oldest surgeries documented. Before the advent of modern surgery and anesthesia, it used ...... »

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