Posts Tagged ‘ turbinate reduction ’

Making sense of treatment options for sleep apnea

The diagnosis and treatment of sleep apnea remains one of the more complex algorithms in medical therapy.   The ways to diagnose sleep apnea have been covered elsewhere in this blog well as other articles. We will focus on treatment options for this particular article. Before we discuss the treatment options, it is important to […]

Why is my nose still blocked after surgery?

Nasal obstruction is a serious condition that affects millions of people. Some of the reasons are due to allergies and membrane-type issues, which in theory could be reversible with the right medicines. Otherwise, bony and cartilaginous deformities in the form of deviation of the septum and swelling of the turbinates (sidewalls of the nose) can […]

What is Coblation of the inferior turbinates?

The inferior turbinates are structures located on the sidewall of the nasal passages. We have three sets of them: the superior, the middle, and the inferior turbinates. The largest one of them all is the inferior turbinate, which is critical in the overall function of the nose. It is also the one that may pose […]

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What can I do about my runny nose?

Some of the more common reasons for clear rhinorrhea are allergic rhinitis, non-allergic rhinitis, vasomotor rhinitis, and CSF ...... »

When Should You Get Your Hearing Tested?

Photo by Alexraths from Deposit Photos This is a guest blog by Anna Davis Hearing is a precious sense that connects ...... »

How You Can Easily Combat Sinus Issues

Sinus issues can be a challenging health condition that affects many people. These problems often result in symptoms ...... »

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