Category Archives: Nose

What is a Concha Bullosa?

Before, we dig into what a concha bullosa is; let’s talk about normal anatomy of the nasal passages. When looking into the nasal passages, the structure and the midline is called septum. This typically should be more or less a straight bony and cartilaginous structure that is covered by membrane. On the side wall of […]

What is Coblation of the inferior turbinates?

The inferior turbinates are structures located on the sidewall of the nasal passages. We have three sets of them: the superior, the middle, and the inferior turbinates. The largest one of them all is the inferior turbinate, which is critical in the overall function of the nose. It is also the one that may pose […]

Go Get a Humidifier!

With the coming winter months, the colder weather as well as dry heating elements in our houses and apartments cause a great deal of dryness. The victim in this is usually our nasal passages, who have the task of humidifying the air before we breathe it all the way into our lungs. Our nasal passages […]

How do you treat nasal polyps?

Nasal polyps are extra fleshy growths inside the nasal passages. They usually arise as a result of allergic reactions or other sensitivities within the nasal passages. Typically, the nasal membranes swell up, and at some point they form extra fleshy component which are called polyps. They are usually are anchored within the nasal passages or […]

What exactly is a Balloon Sinuplasty?

Video of Ballon Sinuplasty Schematic Many patients have questions about the new method of dealing with chronic sinus procedure involving balloon sinuplasty. This method has been around for the past few years, and is designed to provide relief from chronic sinus issues for patient without the need for more traditional ways of endoscopic sinus surgery. In […]

What are Osteomas?

Osteomas are the most common benign bony growth within the nasal passages and the sinuses. An osteoma is the focus of very dense bony deposit that might form within the paranasal sinuses. At the present time we do not know what causes osteomas to form, and what regulates their growth rate. Most osteomas of the […]

What is Rhinitis Medicamentosa? What does this have to do with Afrin?

Many patients have various degrees of nasal obstruction. This could be due to fixed anatomical problems such as a deviation of nasal septum. Alternatively, a cold or a sinus infection can give you problems with the nasal passages resulting in obstruction. More chronically, signs of allergies or any polyp formation can also block up nasal […]

How do you fix a nasal fracture?

The outside of the nasal passages has bone and a cartilage that gives shape to the external nose. The lower part is made from cartilage that is mostly pliable and can withstand forces without breaking, and the upper part, between the eyes, is made from bone. Trauma to the outside of the nose can sometimes […]

What is the role of the nasal septum?

Many patients are somehow confused about what the septum is and what the role of it is in our nasal passages. Anatomically, the septum refers to the wall that separates the left and right sides of our nasal passages. There is mucous membrane lining over the entire septum on either side, and the center part […]

What is Propel sinus implant?

Endoscopic sinus surgery if performed in patient who meet the criteria for chronic sinusitis in order to further widen the sinus drainage passages. Endoscopic instruments are used to anatomically make the sinuses more accessible for natural drainage as well as sinus irrigation. Occasionally, the degree of sinus opening that was achieved at the end of […]

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What can I do about my runny nose?

Some of the more common reasons for clear rhinorrhea are allergic rhinitis, non-allergic rhinitis, vasomotor rhinitis, and CSF ...... »

When Should You Get Your Hearing Tested?

Photo by Alexraths from Deposit Photos This is a guest blog by Anna Davis Hearing is a precious sense that connects ...... »

How You Can Easily Combat Sinus Issues

Sinus issues can be a challenging health condition that affects many people. These problems often result in symptoms ...... »

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