Nasal obstruction is a serious condition that affects millions of people. Some of the reasons are due to allergies and membrane-type issues, which in theory could be reversible with the right medicines. Otherwise, bony and cartilaginous deformities in the form of deviation of the septum and swelling of the turbinates (sidewalls of the nose) can […]
Briefly, the nasal passages are in charge of delivering air from the tip of the nose to the back of the throat and then into the lungs. Typically, the air passes through each nostril into the nasal cavity and then into the throat. Various conditions can limit the amount of airflow through the nasal passages […]
Our nasal sinuses are air-filled pockets of air that surround the nasal passages. We have four sets of sinuses. The ethmoid sinuses are made up of approximately 15 smaller pockets, and they are situated to the center of each eyeball. The maxillary sinuses are the largest ones, and are situated below the eyes, behind the […]
The outer portion of the nasal structure consists of a bony pyramid-type projection in the upper part, and cartilaginous projection in the lower part including the tip. The lower half of the nose is therefore more flexible and can sustain minor blows without any significant deformity. The upper portion of the nose, consistent of the […]
Many patients have various degrees of nasal obstruction. This could be due to fixed anatomical problems such as a deviation of nasal septum. Alternatively, a cold or a sinus infection can give you problems with the nasal passages resulting in obstruction. More chronically, signs of allergies or any polyp formation can also block up nasal […]
Many patients are somehow confused about what the septum is and what the role of it is in our nasal passages. Anatomically, the septum refers to the wall that separates the left and right sides of our nasal passages. There is mucous membrane lining over the entire septum on either side, and the center part […]