New Guidelines for Managing Middle Ear Fluid in Children


Middle Ear Anatomy

Middle Ear Anatomy

In order to remove some of the guessing as to standards of care about certain common diseases, the American Academy of Otolaryngology- Head & Neck Surgery occasionally publishes practice guidelines to help clinicians and their patients.  The guidelines are usually discussed in several committee meetings, and the recommendations from multiple peer-reviewed articles as well as clinical experience of experts in the field are taken into consideration.  These are guidelines are recommendations only, and each clinician is encouraged to analyze the relevance of each recommendation to each individual patient and their unique set of circumstances.

Recently, the Academy published a revised set of guidelines about management of middle ear fluid in children.  Enclosed is the article for your review.

Practice Guidelines: Otitis Media with Effusion

While there is quite a bit of medical language, an average reader can understand that in certain cases watchful waiting is adequate, while in some cases medical therapy is needed, while in some other cases surgery might be recommended.   Parents of children with similar medical conditions are encouraged to educate themselves with these guidelines and have a patient-specific discussion with their ENT doctor about their affected child.


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